9 NASA Inspired Plants That Clean the Air and Are Hard to Kill!

In my search for durable house plants, I learned something from NASA and space stations.

During the late 1980’s, NASA began studying houseplants as a means of providing purer and cleaner air for space stations. Their research found several houseplants that can help filter out certain harmful compounds that hang in the air, making it much healthier to breathe. The added bonus is that these plants are also almost impossible to kill!

Here are nine plants that are on the Clean Air Virtually – Indestructible Plant List inspired by NASA’s research.

Aloe Vera

aloe vera

The gel inside the leaves of the Aloe Vera is known for its ability to heal skin irritations but it is also a great plant to improve indoor air quality by filtering out benzene which is commonly found in paint and chemical cleaners.

Peace Lily

Peace lily

The Peace Lily is a beautiful plant and I read it can improve indoor air quality by as much as 60 percent. Kept in the bathroom it helps reduce levels of mold spores and absorb harmful vapors from alcohol and acetone.

Spider Plant

spider plant

Spider plants are easy to grow and it is said that within just two days, this plant can remove up to 90 percent of the toxins of indoor air, the perfect plant for those who have common dust allergies. Also the Spider plant helps absorb traces of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

English Ivy

English ivy

The English Ivy plant has a very special characteristic that I found surprising, it’s perfect for pet owners because it can reduce the amount of airborne fecal matter. It also absorbs formaldehyde found in cleaning products and carpets. Another study suggests keeping the plant on your desk can help with better focus because it absorbs trace amounts of benzene,  a chemical found in office equipment.

Boston Fern

Boston fern

Boston Fern is one plant that offers beauty and health benefits. The ferns require frequent misting but in return the ferns act  as humidifiers putting moisture back into the air giving some relief to dry skin and dry air from cold weather and heaters. The ferns also help to eliminate traces of formaldehyde.



Eucalyptus has been used for centuries to ease cold and flu symptoms and just breathing in the scent of these plants can help open congested  airways. The leaves of the Eucalyptus are filled with tannins which raise healthy fluids in the body’s air passages.

African Violets

Africian violet.jpg

The purple color of the African Violets is a health benefit in itself. Research has shown gazing at the plant helps stimulate an adrenaline release, increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain and helping you to relax.

Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreen

The Chinese Evergreen produces tiny red berries that are lovely to look at but they also help remove toxins left hanging in the air from chemical based household cleaners.



In the NASA research, this plant was an air-purifying champion.

Also known as Mums, they produce beautiful flowers and the variety of colors they grow in alone makes them a wonderful choice for any home. Chrysanthemums can help filter out benzene, among other chemicals from detergents, paints, plastics and glue better than the rest.

Take care, stay well.


Office: (954) 533-2603  Email: sabina@solutionsforwomen.com




Glowing Skin

Our wisdom and confidence may grow as we get older, but sometimes what we see in the mirror doesn’t reflect how we feel on the inside. The changes during menopause also include our skin. Fortunately, you can relieve some of the skin-related effects of menopause and aging by taking care of your specific skin care needs with essential oils like Frankincense and Carrot oil and plenty of moisturizer. Supporting your hormones is your foundation to managing symptoms and help get glowing skin.Healthy eating, exercise and a natural menopause supplement like Femmerol may be all you need to quite symptoms so your body can find it new comfort zone in a natural and safe way. www.femmerol.com

glowing skin

A Scar Story

Knowledge is power! As the founder of Solutions for Women and the developer of Femmerol my goal is to provide a wealth of information to enable women to make informed decisions about menopause.

Breast Cancer is a concern for every woman. We know there are certain possible triggers for the disease such as using HRT but for many women afflicted with BC the cause is unknown. I hope to help women take an active role in their health and make the best decisions about their health through the menopause transition and the years that follow.

The following video was sent to me and this woman’s story touched my heart, she is my hero. Paulette Leaphart tells her story about her journey with breast cancer. She won her battle and is now a warrior fighting for every women’s breast health. This is her amazing story.

A Wise Women once said….


A wise woman once said the health of a woman must be seen through her eyes. If she can’t envision her wellness, she can’t attain it.

Fear of HRT has some women believing the best way to get through menopause is to find the strength to endure and suffer ─ as silly as that sounds!  The same fear also keeps women from trying a natural and toxic free alternative treatment for their symptoms.

Building this company has been based on my belief that when it comes to choosing a product for menopause symptom relief the fewer mysteries the better and gaining hormone balance naturally doesn’t mean compromise.

I may have been ahead of my time when I first developed and manufactured Femmerol. But today herbal extracts are gaining an increasing amount of attention from the scientific community because they can contribute to a more comfortable menopause experience without the harmful and toxic side effects associated with HRT.

Your body will naturally move through menopause at its own pace, and your body is designed to support you in good health throughout menopause but most of us need a little help.

If you are new to the idea of a Natural Menopause and would like more information please visit my website at www.Femmerol.com, and take a look at the results from our clinical study .

If you have any questions please give me a call (954) 533-2603.

You don’t have to live with hot flashes and sleepless nights.

Take care, stay well.


A Letter from a Mother to a Daughter


Happy Mother’s Day! As a daughter I’d like to dedicate this post to all mothers but especially to aging mothers. If you’re in your sixties as I am and perhaps lucky to still have your Mother she is probably in her 80’s or 90’s. I lost my mother a few years ago, she was courageous, and resilient and had a big heart, she loved her family and always forgiving of our sometimes mind-numbing acts.  For many women born in the first quarter of the 1900’s, they learned to survive regardless of what life handed them. My mother was one of them. Born in 1922 she was one of six children. By the time she was seven both her parents had died. Separated from her sibling and placed in an orphanage for two years until an Uncle came from Italy, found all six of his sister’s children and adopted them. They were dirt poor, lived in a two room tenement in New York City but they had love, faith, hope and most important, each other. People were easily drawn to my mother; I think because her childhood was filled with such deprivation it made her deeply grateful for the good life she got to live.

As my mother aged we became close and she shared with me stories she never spoke of before. And when she became ill I took care of her until she died. My mother passed away in my arms and in here home where she wanted to be. An enormous amount of peace and love passed between us and I’m forever grateful for the words spoken between us and time shared.

The letter below was given to me by my mother, she did not write it and I don’t know who the author is but its words were the right words at the right time as our roles in each other’s lives began to change.

Taking care of an aging parent is tuff stuff but it’s what you make of it. In hindsight, for me it was like receiving an unexpected gift.

Letter from a Mother to a Daughter:

“My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minute ago”… Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep. When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl? When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don’t look at me that way… remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life’s issues every day… the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If I occasionally lose track of what we’re talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can’t, don’t be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you. And when my old, tired legs don’t let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked. When those days come, don’t feel sad… just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love. I’ll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I’ve always had for you, I just want to say, I love you… my darling daughter. “

Classic Tuna Salad Sandwich

Who doesn’t love a good tuna sandwich? I love them and here is a recipe that inspired me to mix things up a bit.

Craig Claiborne’s version of the classic lunchbox staple. Celery, red onion, and red bell pepper add crunch; capers and lemon juice lend a little tang.


2 (6-ounce) cans solid white, water, packed tuna

½ cup mayonnaise, preferably homemade or use organic

½ cup finely diced celery

3 tablespoons finely diced red onion

3 tablespoons finely minced red bell pepper

2 tablespoons drained capers

2 teaspoons lemon juice

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Sliced sandwich bread of choice


In a medium bowl, combine the tuna, mayonnaise, celery, onion, bell pepper, capers and lemon juice. Mix with a fork until thoroughly combined. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve on the sandwich bread of your choice.

Bon appetit!

A Ladies Intuition

I recently received a call from a woman who simply needed to tell her story to someone who would listen without their hand on the door knob, signaling your time is up! I greatly, dislike when doctors do this!

I was once there myself and understand.  As I was listening, I was reminded how unique each and every one of us are, and the path to menopause certainly reveals just how different we are from one another. She was dealing with symptoms not on the normal list of symptoms; such as, itchy and dry skin. Even though she hadn’t had a period in 14 months she still felt like her period was due, her abdomen full, bloated and her whole body felt tired. Her doctor kept telling her it’s menopause but her body and intuition were telling her something else.

Mature woman with her female doctor.

It’s important for you to recognize the symptoms associated with menopause and discuss those that are affecting you with your doctor, especially if they are outside the list of common symptoms.  Don’t always assume they are the result of menopause. Let them know your concerns and work with your physician to look into other possible causes before making assumptions or accepting an opinion based on a guess ─ educated or not.

This stands true and always will. Some women sail through menopause, experiencing very few physical and emotional symptoms, while others experience abnormal or disconcerting symptoms or symptoms that may last for extended periods of time and they can range in severity. Symptoms usually develop as women enter perimenopause. Some women continue to have symptoms into their postmenopausal years and others will not develop noticeable or annoying symptoms until they are postmenopausal.

Here is a quick checklist of the most common Menopause symptoms. If you experience symptoms that seem odd to you, listen to your intuition and your body and speak with your doctor.  And if they blow you off, find a new doctor.

11844825-Woman-doctor-showing-blank-clipboard-sign-a-medical-concept-isolated-on-white-background-Stock-PhotoMenopause Symptoms

  • Irregular periods
  • Breast tenderness
  • Cramping
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Loss of libido
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings, anxiety, irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Memory lapses, foggy thinking
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain ─ Good to keep in mind ─ the average gain is 5 to 10 pounds. Some women don’t gain any weight and any gain can be lost through diet and exercise.
  • Achy joints ─ exercise helps with the achiness because it increases circulation

Keep in mind symptoms of perimenopause and menopause come and go, ebb and flow and change with time, diet, and stress level. This is the ideal time to make lifestyle changes that support your wellness and help ease and quite menopause symptoms.

Avocadoes, not only for Guacamole!


Avocados are good for more than just for eating; they make a nutrient rich moistening mask for your face and neck. They provide a dose of biotin and vitamin E, two nutrients that are known to help prevent and hydrate dry skin.

Avocado facials are touted to do wonders as a quick fix for dull skin, giving a more youthful dewy complexion, so I thought I put it to the test. I mashed one avocado into a smooth paste and put it on my face and neck for about 20 minutes. I suggest lying down and putting a towel under your head, because the Avocado paste loosens as it warms to your skin and the oils come out of the fruit. The oil acts as an emollient. I did find it to be hydrating and soothing.  It’s an inexpensive way to give yourself a moisturizing mask, and you can’t beat spending $1.50 for a facial!

As far as the Guac, I learned how to make a delicious mix from a friend who grew up in Mexico and he makes the best I’ve ever had. Of course nothing is measured and it’s all about personal taste, so this is a loose translation of a handful and a pinch!

Guacamole 800 3243.jpgEasy-To-Do Guacamole Recipe

  • 2 Organic Avocados (buy 3 and use one for the facial!)
  • ½ cup chopped Organic White onion. White onions have a delicate flavor that compliments the subtle flavor of the avocado.
  • A handful of chopped Organic Cilantro
  • The juice of ½ to one organic Lime (start with a ½ lime and adjust to taste)
  • Sea salt to taste
  • Mix and enjoy with organic Blue chips!



Take care, stay well.




Chrysanthemum and Goji Berries for Healthy Eyes

Like so many people, my work is computer intensive.  I feel like my eyes are working overtime adjusting to the type of light given off by computer and smart phone screens. After long days in front of the computer my eyes feel tired and strained.

I was speaking with a colleague and master herbalist a few months ago about dealing with eye strain, which she suggested a tea made from Chrysanthemum Flowers and Goji Berries. These herbal ingredients are known to be beneficial for the eyes. I have been making a pot of it most mornings for about a month and just sip it throughout the day. I’m happy to report I can feel the positive difference! My eyes feel more relaxed and less strained.

Chrysanthemum Flowers are known as the flower that calms, cools and clears. 

Chrysanthemum Flowers are known as the flower that calms, cools and clears. Widely used in Asia, the flowers have a cooling or Yin property that is famous for supporting vision and eye health. The flowers are used to brighten the eyes, improve vision and to clear minor irritation from the eyes. They also help support natural eye moisture.


Goji Berries are tasty little morsels that offer many health benefits including eye health. In China’s first herbal encyclopedia, Shen Nong’s Materia Medica, written in the 1st century B.C., Goji was classified as a “superior tonic,” a class of herbs that people should take on an on-going basis to preserve youth and to promote general well-being of life.

Goji’s superior tonic classification has stood the test of time. Two thousand years later, Goji berries are being consumed regularly throughout the world for those purported reasons. We now know that Goji berries are a “high-ORAC,” antioxidant-rich, super-fruit featuring important phytochemicals; such as, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, betaine, polysaccharides (LBPs), trace minerals and vitamin compounds that are beneficial for your eyes and overall health.

Chinese Herbal-ism is still the most sophisticated and effective system in the world. It differs from other systems in healthcare in that herbal-ism emphasizes the promotion of health at any age rather than the masking or management of disease.

“I have been making a pot of it most mornings for about a month and just sip it throughout the day.” 

Tea Recipe: 

  • One tablespoon Chrysanthemum Flowers
  • One once Goji berries
  • 4-6 cups water (personal preference on strength)
  • Simmer for about ten minutes and then let them just sit in the water for another 15-20 minutes or as I prefer, leave everything in the pot all day and just strain as I pour each cup.

Quick Face Fix

According to some estheticians and dermatologists, the easiest way to achieve glowing skin that has lasting effects is with food. Eating foods that are low insulin and inflammatory triggers will help de- puff your eyes, help ease dark circles and red eyes, perk up tired, dull looking skin and overall give your skin a refreshed and naturally moister completion.

Dr. Perricone, Yale University School of Medicine, recommends a three-day diet of fish, preferably salmon, for its high omega content that will fuel your skin and plump it up ─ the quick fix to get ready for a special event.

What to try a three-day experiment? Eat only the foods below and let us know if you see the difference.

• Mixed fruits such as cantaloupe, honeydew, apples, oranges, pears and berries


• Eggs ─ poached or omelet’s


• Lots of leafy salad greens, red peppers, broccoli, broccolini, broccoli rabe, kale, spinach, etc. A healthy portion of vegetable should accompany most meals.


• Avoid starchy foods like potatoes and cauliflower.


• Fish anytime is a good food choice. I frequently will eat fresh fish for breakfast ─ no sides, just a piece of fish. Pure Protein is a satisfying way to start the day. It keeps my energy up and hunger at bay for hours.


• White meat chicken

• No alcohol, pasta, rice, red meat, bread, sugary sweet foods and desserts, no salt or very little salt, no canned or prepared foods, no junk food, no soda or fruit juices, no cheeses and keep all dairy to a minimum.


Keep in mind incorporating this way of eating with modification into your daily lifestyle will not only improve your skin, but it will also put your body on a path for healing and good health.

Maybe even put you on track to lose those pounds you’ve wanted to get rid of!

Let us know how you do in the comments below.

Till next time- Sabina.